Wetherby Lions - Nigel's Charity Pedal
Charity Pedal from Barnsley to Bedale via Wetherby Wetherby Lion member and regular fundraising walker Nigel Keenlyside has swapped his...
Wetherby Lions 'Pack Up'
Bag Pack at Morrison’s supermarket (Photo - Lion Nigel Keenleyside helps Sir Ian McGeechan and his wife to pack their shopping) A very...
Another 'Roaring Success' for Wetherby Lions
New Lion Derek (Photo - left to right Lion Derek Stone and Lion President John Boulton ) Lion President John Boulton takes the latest...
A 'Roaring Success' for New Wetherby Lion Members Increasing Den by 3
New Lion Glynis (Photo - left to right District Governor Clive Barwell, Lion Glynis Frith and Sponsor Lion Chris Atkinson) District...