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Ebola Orphan Aid Programme

The current outbreak of the Ebola virus now appears to have killed more than all other known Ebola outbreaks combined - so far over 5,000 lives.

Local treatment facilities are now ensuring that more and more people are recovering and able to return to their villages. However for one group of survivors life is not that simple - children orphaned when their parents did not survive and who may themselves have suffered and recovered from the disease are being shunned by their neighbours who fear that they will bring back the disease.

This is why Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) has established an orphans' relief programme and made an immediate grant of $150,000 from its disaster fund to local Lions clubs in the four countries affected by Ebola and now home to more than 5,000 orphans.

The short and long term aim of the Ebola Orphan Aid project is to provide food, sanitation, education and deal with the stigma of the disease. Lions clubs worldwide are being asked to donate to this project so Wetherby Lions have made an immediate donation of £1,000 and join clubs in other countries such as Japan, Sweden, Norway and the UK in having done so.

If you wish to make a donation to our club for this project then you can do so via our Virgin Money Giving account - Just click on this link:

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