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From Saplings to Strong Trees and Roots Combining

Like many Lions clubs sometimes not having enough available people can impact projects, one of our Lions had an idea to approach the local Explorer Scout Unit to see if they could help us, they were very keen to. The idea worked better than either side could imagine, we gained more Lion power, the Explorers gained credits towards badges, such as DofE and Kings Scout Award and we have given several grants helping towards foreign Scouting trips.

For the first joint project, Wetherby District Lions and Wetherby Whalers Explorer Scout Unit came together in November, to plant over 100 saplings including hawthorn, dogwood, wild cherry, silver birch, rowan and hazel from The Woodland Trust, along a popular shared footpath, part of a disused railway line.

(photos: Wetherby Whalers ESU)

Everyone enjoyed the experience so much we are already planning for 300-400 more trees next year!

The Explorers will also be helping us at our Dickensian Market, Senior Citizens' Christmas Party and many future events, forging a partnership for many years to come.


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