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Happy Birthday Wetherby Lions !

Lions Clubs International celebrated its centenary in 2017, and on Saturday Wetherby Lions Club celebrated being a mere youngster by comparison, and held a dinner party to celebrate its 52nd Charter anniversary – founding of the Club.

(Photo - left to right Joan Campbell, Lion President John Boulton, Anne Boulton, Consort Tom Harrington, Town Mayor Norma Harrington and Master of Ceremonies Lion Ken Campell)

The Town Mayor, Norma Harrington, made an after-dinner speech, thanking Wetherby Lions members for their charitable and support work within the community. Norma was also kind enough to present prizes at the end of the evening, two of these being in the form of funding for local charities chosen by the winners of the prizes.

‘James Bond’ was the central theme to the black tie event, held in the Ballroom of Wetherby Town Hall, and after a superb dinner, guests mingled at ‘Casino Royale’.

Whilst most people may not actually recall them being in Bond films, games organised for the evening included the extremely popular ‘Play Your Cards Right’ and ‘Wheel of Fortune’! Both of these attracted sizeable crowds all evening and drew squeals of delight and groans of exasperation in equal measure!

(Photo - left to right Sandra Moss, 007 - ssh ! Margaret Harrison, Lion John Wardley, Jennie Burrow, Deputy Town Mayor Galan Moss)

All in all, a ‘roaring success’ - and great fun was had by all present - see more photos here

For fifty two years Wetherby District Lions Club members have been helping individuals and organisations in times of need assisted by the generosity of the people of the Wetherby district.

If you would like to help your community we would love to hear from you so please contact us by telephoning 0845 833 9529, completing the contact form on our website or sending an email to Likewise if you need help in any way with a local project, please get in touch.

We look forward to your continued support.

Lion Julie Wood

Member of Wetherby District Lions Club

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